List of materials we’d really, really like to have but don’t
- Clear Ether!
- Volume 1 Number 8,
- Volume 2 Numbers 3, 5, 6, 28, and from 32 to the end of the volume,
- Volume 3 Numbers 4, 6,
- Volume 5 Numbers 3, 10, 11
- all the issues after Volume 5 Number 11.
- Frefannews, Frefanac, and maybe other titles in FreFanZine. All issues except that couple we have (for Clear Ether! issues in FreFanZine see above).
- Tarzine of the APAs
- Volume 1 Numbers 1-3, 7-9, from 11 to the end,
- Volume 2 Numbers 1, from 4 to the end,
- all the issues after Volume 3 Number 8.
- ...On The Green, all issues except those few we have.
- The Worlds of TANSTAAFL, all issues after Volume 2 Number 2.
- All the other fanzines not mentioned here. (For semi-pro ones, like New Libertarian Notes we will soon have another site, we have a complete collection of them to be scanned even if not in perfect condition. Internal movement publications, like NLS or TMLL, are still wanted though.)
- Anything else written by Samuel Edward Konkin III you might have, including articles, reviews, letters, stories, etc.
Also, if you have access to some zine we already scanned, we still might want your copy (as you can see, many of our scans are of very poor quality).
Try to do scans in PNG format, with resolution of 600 DPI and full color (not just black and white). But we’ll probably accept anything you can do.
Most of the zines were published in APAs, such as APA-L, APA-NYU, CarbAPA, LASFAPA, SCAPA FLOW, FreFanZine, Alarums & Excursions, Lord of Chaos, and others. We might have some ideas of where exactly to search so you might wanna ask before digging into your thousand-pages collection of APA mailings. Short summary of what we have and know follows.
We are covered with Alarums & Excursions (thanks to Lee Gold and Rob 'agorageek' Freebeard). Quality mostly is not superb so please see if you can re-scan.
We are probably covered with LASFAPA. We’d appreciate if you have the full collection (at least of first 26 or so disties) and can recheck for us. And, yeah, better copies if you can. There were issues of Clear Ether! Volume 2 and 3 in mailings 2, 4-7, 9-12, 15, 17-19, 21-23, 25, 26 (18 mailings) and there probably weren’t in other 8 of them: 1, 3, 8, 13, 14, 16, 20, 24. We’d like to confirm if that’s correct and that there were nothing after mailing 26.
We are mostly covered with the first mailings of APA-NYU (thanks to Marc Glasser, who hopefully will continue helping us) and APA-L will probably eventually be scanned in full (by Karl Lembke whom we also wanna thank). In both cases if you can scan zines that weren’t scanned yet it will be great. Quality is mostly good, but we won’t mind extra copies. We’re mostly interested in APA-L disties from 530 to 570 (we have issues of Tarzine of the APAs and Clear Ether! from disties 541, 543, 544, 549, 553, 554, 557 — with gaps). But we don’t know for sure yet.
But any copies of CarbAPA, SCAPA FLOW, Lord of Chaos, and FreFanZine are very, very hard to locate so if you have any idea about where to find some of their mailings please write us immediately and our gratitude will be immeasurable. Especially SCAPA FLOW and FreFanZine. Especially SCAPA FLOW from 3 to 6 and after 12 and FreFanZine 2, 8-10, 13, and after 15. If you can scan them, we love you already. Same for any APA or zine in which something was published and we don’t know about.
Some zines and APAs can be found (and, usually, scanned) in libraries, so even if don’t own anything we need, you still can help. Please search on worldcat and see if you can visit a local library that have some of the titles above.
Alternatively, you can check mailings numbers (and announced next issues) in our scans and check those plus-minus a couple mailings, extrapolating wherever we have gaps (say, if we have Number 12 from SomeAPA mailing 18 and Number 14 from SomeAPA mailing 22, checking mailings 19, 20, and 21 is usually a good idea). As mentioned above, re-scanning issues we already have will probably help as well.
If you know someone who hold a collection of APA mailings and can check and tell exact mailing numbers this info will be appreciated even if he or she can’t or won’t scan the zines for us. (Though we, of course, will appreciate it even more if he or she can.) Locating those zines is no easy task.
Feel free to email us if you not sure how to search, not sure if we need something you have, or not sure about anything. We don’t bite.